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Our mission is to support as many people as possible in their quest for health and educate them so they may, in turn, educate others. We know that health is so much more than just not feeling pain. Our mission in this office is to improve the quality of  life as we strive to help each patient reach his or her fullest innate potential.

Health Articles

Blood Pressure Values Improved Under Chiropractic Care - A Case Study
Blood Pressure Values Improved Under Chiropractic Care - A Case Study
The Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research published the results of a case study on August 4, 2023, documenting the improvement in hypertension of an elderly patient receiving chiropractic care. . . .
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Nagging Sacroiliac Pain and Abnormal Posture Helped with Chiropractic
Nagging Sacroiliac Pain and Abnormal Posture Helped with Chiropractic
The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published the results of a case study on June 17, 2024, documenting the improvement is postural irregularities and nagging sacroiliac pain with chiropractic care. The sacroiliac joints, often called the "SI" joints, are the joints where the two hip bones (ilium) . . .
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Infertility Resolved Under Chiropractic Care - A Documented Case Study
Infertility Resolved Under Chiropractic Care - A Documented Case Study
A case study reported in the third quarter issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal documents the case of a woman suffering with infertility who was able to become pregnant with the addition of chiropractic care. . . .
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Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Helped with Chiropractic
Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Helped with Chiropractic
The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published a case study on May 6, 2024, showing chiropractic care helping relieve the symptoms of a patient with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The Mayo clinic's website describes IBS by saying, "Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects . . .
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